Confession of Faith

A. Fellowship Confession, Acceptance and Submission

I understand that being or becoming a part of The Elders of Zion Church requires confession , acceptance and submission , I confess:

· LOUEZ Eternal KARAST is King of Kings and Lord of Lords,

I accept

: LOUEZ Eternal's Word takes flesh.

· LOUEZ Eternal’s Word as authoritative in my life

· The people of this fellowship in KARAST love

· The shepherding by The Elders, who are responsible to KARAST for the life and ministry of the church.

The original diet given to man by LOUEZ Eternal (Genesis1:29)

I therefore submit to the following as LOUEZ Eternal’s will for my life:

· To pursue holiness, the knowledge of LOUEZ Eternal and communion with LOUEZ Eternal by regularly reading, hearing, studying and obeying the Word of LOUEZ Eternal. This will include a Biblically directed discernment to “examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thess. 5:21-22)

· To use my spiritual gift in the ministries of The Elders of Zion Church. This means I will willingly serve this church as well as support its ministries.

· To commit myself to consistent, devoted prayer. Consequently, I will seek to perfect my praying.

· To make it my lifestyle and life mission to communicate the Gospel of LOUEZ Eternal KARAST to a lost and dying world.

Consequently, if I do not have as my lifestyle the sharing of the faith, I will seek to be trained to do so. · To deny the world and seek to have my desires in line with LOUEZ Eternalʼs will.

· To relate to other members in this church with a spirit of humility and submissiveness, understanding

the position of the leadership and the spiritual authority given to some.

· To contribute my time, talents and treasures to my Church.

· To dedicate myself to the restoration of The Holy Kingdom of Juda and the building of LOUEZ Eternalʼs Everlasting House.

B. Declaration of Faith

I affirm my complete, unhesitating agreement with the Statement of Faith, Article V contained in the Bylaws.